Your Feedback
We welcome feedback on all aspects of the services that we provide, and we are always delighted to receive compliments which we will share with the relevant individuals or teams.
If you would like to share your experiences, comments or any concerns you may have, then please complete our feedback form by clicking here to share your views.
Please note that if you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we will require their consent confirming that they wish you to act on their behalf and understanding that in responding to your concerns, we will be sharing their confidential information with you.
Feedback from the people we support
SMV Adult Care's "Your Voice" scheme enables the people we support to tell us what a brilliant life means to them so we can support them in the best way possible to achieve it. Your Voice is owned by the people we support and is tailored to their individual needs. It includes and involves every person who lives in or uses one of our services for adults 18 and over. The purpose of Your Voice is to:
- Listen to what people are saying about their lives
- Support people to maintain or access more of what is working
- Support people to make changes where things are not working
- The most important part of this scheme is to have fun